
Media Announcements

Exclusive: How dealerships are adapting to a new market in 2023 – Jay Feldman pt. 2

In December of last year, Feldman Automotive Group celebrated the grand opening of their 19th dealership; the first freestanding Jeep dealership in Southeast Michigan. The group runs 13 stores in Michigan and partnered with actor Mark Wahlberg to open an additional six locations in Ohio.

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Dealer Jay Feldman brings first standalone Jeep dealership to Michigan

In December of last year, Feldman Automotive Group, a partnership founded in collaboration with actor Mark Wahlberg, celebrated the grand opening of their 19th dealership; the first freestanding Jeep dealership in Southeast Michigan.

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Christian Meunier, Jeep brand CEO; Jay Feldman, Feldman Automotive CEO, Jim Morrison, head of Jeep brand, North America. // Courtesy of Feldman Automotive Group

Feldman Automotive Opens First Free-standing Jeep Dealership in Southeast Michigan

New Hudson-based Feldman Automotive Group today officially opened its 19th dealership — Feldman Jeep of Clarkston — the first free-standing Jeep dealership in southeast Michigan.

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Mark Wahlberg Expands His RV and Camping Business

Mark Wahlberg Expands His RV and Camping Business

As if being an insanely popular Hollywood actor wasn’t enough, Mark Wahlberg is also a very successful entrepreneur. He is the owner of a company called Mark Wahlberg Airstream & RV. The company specializes in all things related to RVs as well as camping needs. This includes selling and financing these new or used vehicles as well as providing other parts and services. The business just took a massive new leap, as well. Wahlberg shared this accomplishment with his fans on Instagram.

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Longtime Livonia Chevy dealership was supposed to close. Now it’s a top seller

In late 2009, longtime Livonia car dealer Kit Tennyson was counted out. The Chevrolet store on Plymouth Road that bore his surname was barely making ends meet. It sold about 120 new and used vehicles a month despite its desirable location that could easily deliver double or triple that amount.

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How actor Mark Wahlberg, Detroit car dealer became great friends, business partners

Michigan car dealer Jay Feldman nervously sat in a restaurant in Hingham, Massachusetts. It was a hot day in August nearly four years ago. He was there for a business lunch, which would normally have been routine for him, but not this time. This lunch was with one of the biggest movie stars in the world.

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Interview with Jay S. Feldman of Feldman Automotive, Inc.

Detroit-based Feldman Automotive Group was formed in 2008 by owner, chairman, and CEO Jay Feldman. In 2013, he rebranded his various stores as “Feldman” dealerships to create a consistent, recognizable brand. In 2018, Feldman Automotive achieved record sales, selling 26,000 vehicles for $918 million in revenue. In 2019, the group set another new sales record of almost 28,000 vehicles sold, bringing in $1 billion and 50 million in revenue.

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Mark Wahlberg and Ellen DeGeneres Hilariously Create Commercial for His New Car Dealership

Mark Wahlberg created a hilarious commercial for his new car dealership while on The Ellen DeGeneres Show on Wednesday.

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How Mark Wahlberg suddenly landed in car dealership business

Movie star and businessman Mark Wahlberg is getting into the car business with the help of a metro Detroit car dealer.

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